
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) is an innovative science based institution which functions on the principle of collaborative participation of subject matter specialists and practicing farmers. The programmes of K.V.K. are tailored to the felt needs of the farmers for agricultural development of particular area. “Teaching by doing” and “Learning by doing” are the main methods of imparting skill oriented training.

The operational area of KVK Pithoragarh falls under Kumaon Division of Uttarakhand. In general, this district is characterized by low agricultural productivity, lack of irrigation facilities, unavailability or inadequate availability of agricultural inputs. Most of the upland areas are unbounded and are prone to run off and soil erosion, inadequate income and employment opportunities and many other socio-economic and cultural constraints.

Agriculture in this region is still largely traditional and crop management is very poor. Crop yields are extremely low due to erratic rainfall, use of local varieties, local implements and low level of management with respect to improved seed and fertilizer application. Weed control is also very poor, resulting in severe yield loss. There is non-significant area under orchard. In some areas pear, peach, mango, guava, litchi, banana, and citrus orchard is fairly old and poorly managed. At present state government and other developmental agencies encourages development of orchards for the utilization of marginal land and maximization of production per unit area.

Buffalo and cow are the main milch animals but their productivity is very low. Inadequate availability of fodder is the main problem with respect to animal husbandry, apart of rearing of low yielding breeds. Keeping in view, various programmes and activities have been planned to offer solutions to overcome above problems and to encourage the farming community to achieve self reliance under small farm production system (Complex-diverse and risk prone agriculture). The technical programmes of KVK Pithoragarh to be implemented during the year 2015-15 are described in details on the basis of mandates assigned by the council.